Hi !
My name is Lucas Basílio I am a generalist designer with 8 years of experience, I have worked in areas of design such as promotional products, print design, advertising design, art direction, corporate communication consultancy, and digital product interfaces and motion graphics.
Having experience in other areas, I have a broad and holistic view of task impact and resolution. I also have excellent communication skills and understanding of the marketing, development, legal, and business aspects.
Passagem relevante com comunicação corporativa, impressa e endomarketing;
Perfil autônomo, flexível, resiliente, proativo, criativo;
Métricas para design
Direção de arte
Motion design
My values
Stay curious.
Curiosity is a driving force that propels designers forward. By staying curious and continually seeking new content, designers can stay ahead of the curve, foster personal and professional growth, ignite creativity, and enhance collaboration.
When empathy and active listening are use together, they foster stronger relationships and collaboration. When people feel heard and understood, they are more likely to trust and cooperate with you. This collaborative spirit leads to more productive discussions, diverse perspectives, and collective problem-solving. It encourages a culture of openness and inclusivity, where everyone's input is valued and considered.